Sunday, February 9, 2014

CHAOS (1-13-2014)

JANUARY 13, 2014

I am SO tired...! haha :) in a good way.

Ok I've only been Zone Leader for a week, but it's crazy! I'm super grateful for the last three transfers though because they taught me how to be a good inside worker. Thus far that's basically all we've done! :)

Zone Leader is a different type of beast, namely LOTS of planning. We have to come up with things like exchanges with the whole zone, zone visions, zone numbers, it's everything about a district leader, but on a bigger scale and more difficult. But we're getting through :).

I'm glad Elder Bishop at least has 6 weeks of experience as Zone Leader before we came together, otherwise we'd be completely hopeless! :) We are the youngest Zone Leader Companionship out there, we are SO inexperienced it's awesome! What I love about Elder Bishop is how he laughs like me when we're stressed. Sure does make things a lot better when every time something goes wrong you can laugh at it instead of stress out. Quite honestly stress doesn't help anything, it just hurts. Super pointless if it's not motivating if you ask me.

I will say this though- never laughed so much in my entire mission :D! On the flip side remember what our laughing means :)? Let me just tell you about something that have already happened. First day- we get to Alkmaar and we're taking our suitcases through a gate you have to scan to get through. Well once you scan you have a few seconds before it closes again...I forgot this...but then I remember. SO I tried to run through super fast, thus naturally head first. Yeah...the gate me right in the head in front of the whole station :) we laughed for like a straight minute.

Oh yeah and did I mention we have to give a four hour zone training on Tuesday? And that neither of us have ever given one before? Oh and that our apartment is being fixed so we have to drive 40 minutes to Hoorn every night to sleep? Oh and today we had District Leader Counsel and on Firday Jedi Council? Oh yeah and exchanges start Wednesday? And yes we do still have investigators.

I reiterate: I am SO tired...! :)

But all is well. The Zone Vision for the next six weeks is "Do What You Do With Jesus Christ". It's all about figuring out who you are and what type of missionary the Lord has called you to be. Also applies to what kind of person you are and who you were before and who the Lord needs and wants you to be after. The second part is all about finding out the will of the Lord, doing what He wants you to do first, above all other things. The goal is then to bring the two together into one unstoppable force for good. We can both testify that it is the missionaries and the people who understand these three points are the ones who are the most happiest and excel the most :) because quite honestly if you're doing the will of the Lord then literally everything you do succeeds and you CAN NOT fail. Best lesson I ever learned out here.

To do this we have everyone try and apply the Christlike attribute of the week that they've been learning about as the whole mission tries to read the Book of Mormon in 90 days. First week is Hope and we're asking everyone to focus on a specific area of success in their work or life that they can record, focus on and succeed in. We hope that this success that they see will give them hope to work even harder and continue on.

But I digress, Sint-Niklaas was hard to leave but this place is amazing and it was time to go. By the end I had received the conformation that I had done everything I had come there to do. I even feel it now as I type. I can't tell you how amazing that feels, to be able to walk away from a place knowing you did everything Heavenly Father had sent you there to do. I feel fulfilled and at peace there. I did my part and it's time to move on to the Lord's next assignment.

SO excited everyone is doing ok :) Dad got the job! WAHOO! Was praying for that. I hope he's still loving it and that it continues to be a great thing for him.

There's the other bummer part, I now officially have to pay for internet, thus my e-mail time is going to be trimmed down a bit...probably to the appropriate time, but still :(. Know that I still love you all and that I live breath and die for you and your support :). Thank you for being my family and for raising me how you did.

I learned recently how much different my life would be with merely two different changes- location and parents. I could be the same kid, but I would be SO much more messed up without you two, without my brothers, and without Utah (ah that blessed state! I miss it SO much!). Thank you SO much for providing everything I needed to grow the way I did. I am eternally grateful :).

LOVE YOU!! Keep fighting the good fight! Even though we lose in almost every other sense at times, we win in the points that matter and in the end good will triumph :). 

Elder the Jonathon Batman Cooper

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