Monday, February 24, 2014

Aandacht: De Korte - (I think it means Attention: Brief) - (2/24/2014)

Sorry this one is going to be REALLY short because we don't have a lot of time. We're hoping to get back on on Wednesday or tomorrow morning so I can write a proper letter. We had District Leader Council in Amsterdam today and went out to an Italian lunch after and now we have to get all the way to Hoorn by 6 for Family Home that's why :).
All is well here, transfers suceeded and we're all settled in now. On to the next transfer! I am healthy and well but probably spending more money than I should...sorry mom. Turns out when you're having fun and enjoy your companion you spend more, who knew?!
Anyways I'll write you again soon with a good letter, but for now I hope things are calming down a bit and that everyone is recovering from all the health problems that seem to have hit like a Tsunami! haha
Love you all! I'll be praying for you and thank you so much for the prayers on my behalf. Best family ever!
Elder Batman Cooper
P.S. I'll be back!
Elder Bishop and Elder Cooper

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